Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, April 29th 2008

Finally WeHo

Posted by Johnny

People in my life sometimes like to point out that things often go my way. Maybe things do happen for me more easily than for others, but it certainly didn’t feel that way in March. I was trying to find a living situation in West Hollywood and a renter for my place in Palm Springs without much success. When I found a renter I was still without a place to go to and then the renter fell through leaving me back at square one. It didn’t help that I didn’t have a job lined up, but where was the time to take care of that?

Then fate turned her frown upside down and I secured a really great renter and a potential roommate all about the same time. Through my network I discovered a friend of mine in WeHo was moving and needed a roommate. He and I had always gotten along very well and soon we found a cute place in a great location we could afford. Well, if I could get a decent job anyway.

My readers know me as an organic food eating, animal rights supporting, environmentally aware, music loving wine freak with an affinity for nudity and spreading positive energy in every direction possible. Well now there are two of us at home and we spend a whole lot of time here in relative peace providing The Abbey keeps the noise down. I’m very excited about this very new phase in my life and to share some of my enthusiasm I put together a little welcome video for your amusement.

7 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

Hey Mr. Johnny,

Did you know your personal hero Mrs. Dorothy Parker lived in WeHo? Oh yes, back in the early ’60’s I believe — when it was really, really gay.

Of Trader Joe’s. Mr. Boy Wonder’s love of Trader Joe’s inspired me to visit Philly’s store. Great buys! Terribly trendy clerks.

Loved seeing Petey again. He looks like such a sweetheart. Humm… I’ll have to think of a toy to send him.

Did you have to pay royalties on the Peter, Bjorn & John song or is it considered fair use?

Kisses, Glad to know you’re well.

(PS: And thank you for providing me with a much needed distraction from my resume cover letter writing!)

Boy Wonder Says:

Rita –

Yeah, Johnny likes Dot, but I’m the one that worships her. She lived about 15 blocks west of Johnny near Jimmy Stewarts place in 90210. Those were the days when she and Alan were taking home nearly five large a week. *sigh*

Good news – there will be some very cute photos of Petey this weekend or early next week. Maybe even a story…

I can’t believe you named the song he was whistling! There should be a prize or something. Well, we’ve sort of discussed that already…


Rita PHL Says:

Dearest BW — I almost forgot to mention how much I’m diggin’ the new blog design! You’re always doin’ such cool stuff.

Boy Wonder Says:

Thanks, doll. There’s always room for sprucing.

nurse vein Says:

Hello from Phoenix and thanks for the WeHo welcome video. It was nice to see you strolling around there and hearing about your new place. You are so inspiring. Love the Abby too and will now fantasize about seeing you there next time I’m in town.
Many kudos and thanks to Boy Wonder on his design skills. Loved what he has done with WordPress. I’m Dorothy R. Parker fan too. So was so witty and Blunt -just like Johnny.


Razors pain you; Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give;
Gas smells awful; You might as well live.

1919-1929 By Dorothy Parker

Boy Wonder Says:

Thanks, nurse! If only I had the patience and follow through to finish what I start. There will be some more developments on the site here – I just can’t predict when.

Glad you liked the video – it took us weeks to get it together.

the frog Says:

Great Dorothy Parker quote, nurse! Just what the doctor ordered…

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