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Johnny Hazzard Blog

Sunday, November 4th 2007

Ask Johnny Episode 3

Posted by Johnny

To all of those who have written in with questions, please don’t take offense at the sequence in which I answer. It isn’t personal, I promise. :-) Jade wants to know my favorite holiday and children’s book and why.

I will have to say that my favorite holiday is a toss between Veterans’ Day and New Year’s Day.

There is a lack of appreciation for vets in this country. Soldiers and sailors risked their lives for our nation. It doesn’t matter if they wanted to or not or if I happen to agree with the politics behind the conflicts they endured. They returned home, many of them damaged, traumatized and often scorned by those they fought to protect. I think because of Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day many people have learned the distinction between those that create wars and those that serve in them.

Even as I write this our brothers and sisters are risking their lives fighting a war with a purpose that is at best ambiguous. It is disgusting. They are sent to fight a war kept alive by an administration that has no interest in humanity or life, but for the black blood that flows from the veins of a land not theirs. Blood we wouldn’t have a need for if it weren’t in the interests of that same administration.

Liberation is a wonderful byproduct of war. Profit is not. Regardless of the reasons, the servants of war deserve our respect.

On a much lighter note, I think New Year’s Day is the one day my slate is wiped clean and whatever happened in the 364 days prior doesn’t matter. We all make mistakes and it is a great comfort to know that on January 1st I get a chance to start over and forget about the mistakes I made and the things I wish I could take back. I find it more than comforting to know that I can take what I have learned not to do in the previous year and apply that to the next year in the hopes that I can be a better person.

The Poky Little Puppy

My favorite children’s book without a doubt growing up was “The Poky Little Puppy”. I read it over and over again and it still sits on my bookshelf at home. Apparently finding your own path and adventures appealed to me from the very beginning. I have to wonder how that puppy influenced my belief in karma…

6 Comments for this post

bodhiboy Says:

Thanks for the trip into my childhood past. Seeing the cover of The Poky Little Puppy brought back memories of simpler, happy times. It was one of my favorites too and I loved the illustrations.

the frog Says:

“I have to wonder how that puppy influenced my belief in karma…”

Not to mention “raising a leg to make an impression.”

Rita PHL Says:

Thanks for the wonderful tribute to our military brothers and sisters. Never ceases to impress me how connected you are to the real world!

ed_is_on Says:

u may not know where the words come from, but u must know u got many fans in china…hope u can say sth 2 me…

Jade Says:

Rita PHL took the words right from my mouth. I may not be American, but it’s still a wonderful tribute to the people who risk their lives and well being so others don’t have to. We just celebrated Remembrance Day in Canada on Sunday, and while I don’t agree with much of the politics involved with the current wars taking place, I am still grateful to the men and women who have fought, bled, and died for my right to disagree.

I don’t think I have ever read “The Poky Little Puppy” (but I might have a copy in a box I have yet to unpack). I’ll have to go looking for it.

Thanks for answering my questions, too! The turn around time was amazingly fast.

Johnny Says:

Hey Jade, you are so welcome!

I remember feeling so sad for the longest time for that puppy that did not get any grub because he was poky; there were nightly cries in bed very often.

I too will not attempt to tackle an issue such as the war, but will not hesitate to send out a “Thank You” to those that are doing it no matter how little they are told about why they are really there or how bad they are treated by our administration… I won’t say that I promise!

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