Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Sunday, September 9th 2007

Ask Johnny

Posted by Johnny

Maybe you haven’t noticed, but things have been just a little dry here on Hazzard Ahead lately. I don’t know, I guess summer has taken a toll on me. The pace of life has slowed down a bit and I haven’t had any interest in the party thing or divulging my mysterious inner workings for the world at large to consume. Can you blame me? It’s been over 100 degrees most days and hiding out at work or in the dark confines of my pristine sanctuary there hasn’t been much writing fodder. So I’ve decided that I need your help in making my blog a more desirable destination. That’s right – I want my readers to take an interest and prime my writing pump. Now there’s a usage of the word “pump” you didn’t expect to find here!

This is my idea: I want you readers to tell me exactly what you’d like me to spout off about. People that know me realize I’m a soft-spoken guy, but I have my opinions and I’m ready to share them. Boy Wonder and I are going to collaborate on this project and respond to the best ideas put forth by my fans. Take a minute and leave a comment about what thoughts you’d like me to express. We’ll choose our favorite and go to town for your reading delight. Otherwise you might just have to settle for a mediocre recount of a lame night out on the town in the possibly distant future. Do you really want that to happen? I didn’t think so…

31 Comments for this post

Masc_HungTop Says:

Hello Johnny & Boy Wonder-

I’ve enjoyed reading this blog for the past two years or so, and really have been impressed with how bright and articulate you both are. I’d like to hear your thoughts on the upcoming election, specifically on the Democratic candidates. Do you find Hillary as polarizing as I do? As much as I like her personally, people are never neutral when it comes to her, and I think that would cause her to lose. Obama on the other hand is bright, charismatic and seems to really could bring change to DC. I think he’d leave the adult industry alone, so you’d be better off with him in office than some right wing christian who is a closet mo anyway. Your thoughts??

Masc_HungTop Says:

by the way…my birthday is Sept. 22, and from what I’ve read on here, yours is either the 21 or the 22…I’m going to be 49, just call me Daddy. LOL

Boy Wonder Says:

Politics is not a great topic for us. Johnny and I rarely read/watch the news because we tend to get too emotionally invested. Since we are bad citizens in that regard any opinions we have would be pretty flimsy.

Genor Says:

I think this summer has taken a toll on all of us. I must confess I have been a little lacks myself in sending comments your way lately. I look at your blog every day and even when there’s been a post, I’ll read it and be like, “hm; that was nice; god damn he’s sexy AND intelligent AND funny” and then shuffle off to something else. The message here though is I look at your blog EVERY SINGLE DAY. So, be of good cheer, cooler days are coming.

My topic I would like for you guys to spout off about (by the way, I love you, too Boy Wonder! Pls. post another one of YOUR dance videos :-) ) would be, hm, maybe to give us a new series. Perhaps some Top 10 lists. ie/ top 10 bars in So. Cal; top 10 restaurants in U.S.; top ten items of clothing?; top 10 places to visit in Europe?; top 10 songs; top 10 movies; top 10 sex toys; top 10 positions; top 10 men; top 10 scenes you’ve made; top 10 foods; top 10 anything… what do you think?

Boy Wonder Says:

That’s a good idea. People like lists. There’s something about a countdown that seems to capture the imagination. And that would give us some really meaty discussion time over our next multi-course meal (le hint!). Of course, we would have to stick to what we really know; like the best WeHo hot spots and why and what to avoid.

As for a new dance video, I have been wanting to do one to show off the new digs, but haven’t felt very inspired by anything lately. :-(

Johnny Says:

I agree, no politics; it would not be the best idea. On the other hand, I love the top 10 list.

Now that the summer is ending, those of you back East will soon be experiencing a change in the weather that I suspect you all will be spending less time outside providing you with more time indoors to participate in the upcoming discussions here on Hazzard Ahead. :)

dtwave Says:

Hey Johnny I’m curious to hear the perspective of a porn star on sex outside the industry. As a fan, I envy the fact that you get to have sex with some of the hottest men on earth. OK, I envy them too, getting to have sex with you, THE hottest man on earth.

What are relationships and sex like for you outside the industry? Do you encounter a lot of Star Fucker guys just looking for something to boast about? Does “ordinary” sex with a boyfriend or date pale in comparison to the orgy scene in Bolt? Is it hard to find a guy outside the industry who apprecaites what you do for work, and is secure enough not to be intimidated by it? Or maybe you date mostly industry guys.

I guess I imagine you have screaming, balls to the walls sex all the time, but that is probably more fantasy than reality. Give us sense of what the real situation is for our favorite porn star.

Boy Wonder Says:

dtwave – Great topic. Johnny has written some things in the past that I thought were too personal or obviously about a specific person to be in a public forum. I think we can easily cover some interesting facts for our readers and dispel some myths (while hopefully keeping the fantasy intact).

PlanetTelex1980 Says:

I work in an office at an admittedly easy job where I have a lot of time to surf the net. Johnny’s blog is a nice little escape from my routine. More than this though, it’s a glimpse into someone else’s life that I find intriguing. There’s an intimacy to it. The ultimate irony is that what porn stars display on film is hardly what is most private. Johnny’s blog gives people a chance to hear his real voice (aside from the one that grunts and utters the occasional expletive on film). That said, my favorite aspect of the blog is the childhood stories and pictures of him growing up. There’s something about tales of rollerskating and hamsters getting stuck in the walls that rings eerily familiar with my own upbringing in the suburbs. I like this. Maybe there could be like an old photo and a boyhood anecdote on a more regular basis. The idea of listing Top 10’s is pretty cool too. I live in NY though, so events in WeHo don’t interest me much. Maybe broader things pertaining to pop culture at large.

Boy Wonder Says:

PT1980 – Now THAT’S what I like to hear! And boy do we have some good things in store for you here in the near future!

Oh, and believe me, our best and worst of WeHo will definitely have universal appeal. We can be real bitches!

peters_girl Says:

If its not too personal, I would like to know the stories behind each of your tats.

Johnny Says:

Well DtWave, that’s a great idea; I will start to think about that. I have a lot to say on that matter believe me!

Planet, thanks so much for your kind words. I am so happy to share those moments and photos with all of you. Keep tuning in, it is going to be really fun!

Nederstreet Says:

I would like to know what you think about that fabulous article on gay teachers in this month’s issue of Instinct.

I would also like to know what you think about shameless self-promotion, and if you know how much mad love I’m sending from back East.

Johnny Says:

peters_girl – Every single one?

I’m sorry to say that most of them were conceived out of boredom or psychedelics or a combination of the two.

Only about 5 or so have any real meaning and well as a hefty price tag! Definitely enough fodder for a blog entry so it goes on the list.

p_paolo Says:

Here is my list of top 10 most wanted posts:

1. Johnny growing up (texts, sounds, videos, etc)

2. Johnny getting old (new point of views, decaying body, etc)

3. his opinions on us (on each one) and desired public (apart from stallions of course)

4. ugliness

5. sexual impotency

6. gay partnership

7. fetishes

8. still they very interesting all his excursions in nature

9. Boy Wonder full body photo coverage shot by Johnny

10. MaH ever loving lines.

Boy Wonder Says:

Paolo – Here is my response to your list:

1. Already in the works

2. Um, ew on the decay bit. Johnny is as fresh as a daisy! I’ll work on the opinions.

3. This may need clarification. Of course, Johnny and I talk about our readers endlessly, but that isn’t good material for the blog.

4. For shame! There is beauty in everyone – sometimes it’s just REALLY hard to locate.

5. I only know of one relevant story and that will certainly be saved for Johnny’s posthumous memoirs! ha ha ha

6. The only partnership Johnny has is with me. How sad for us both.

7. Even I am only vaguely aware of Johnny’s inner sexual workings. I don’t think we’ll be enlightened here.

8. More nature is always just around the corner.

9. Really, I can’t stop laughing. My exhibitionist days are behind me.

10. It isn’t always easy to get Ma H to write, but once she starts it goes and goes. Much more to come I promise.

Genor Says:

I have another idea: remember that bit you did close to a year ago, the Absolutely Fabulous quiz, where you quizzed Johnny on Patsy and Eddie and then showed clips of the show? Call me a freak, but I loved it. I would like to see you do something similar, but maybe a quiz on all things Will & Grace. Hmmmmm…

Boy Wonder Says:

We’ve had the Ab Fab Trivia Quiz Series 2 on the back burner for ages now. Johnny and I just never seem to be together long enough to do the filming.

Since Johnny doesn’t watch TV ever we wouldn’t be able to do a Will & Grace version. Personally, I love that show, but it has to be something Johnny and I are both freaks about. As far as I know, Ab Fab is our best common ground.

Rita PHL Says:

Johnny is such a foody … how about something were he provides his own favorite recipes? How about wine suggestions? For example, thanks to Johnny, my Jim now enjoys wines from Rhone!

Marastar Says:

Personally, I like to hear about the random, obscure and seemingly insignificant things that happen in peoples lives, especially if they’re funny. Like this friend of mine in Paris, she was walking to the bus stop and these two electro-house kids noticed her and so they turned on their portable stereo and started dancing for her, stuff like that! Also, stuff like quirky traits and ‘rituals’ you have, because I think things like that give insight into people’s personalities. It’s far more interesting and personal than ‘I went here and did that’. That’s my 2c :D

Genor Says:

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny… get the DVD’s. Will and Grace is the I Love Lucy of our geneneration. You will love, love, love it.

the frog Says:

Rita, you took the words out of my mouth (as long as you leave the food there, we’ll keep on being friends.) I can’t get enough of Johnny’s thoughts for food. The more, the yummier.

I also second all those clamoring for more childhood stories. There’s something about Johnny and his pets or Johnny cooking “by hand” that just makes me melt.

And if that doesn’t sound too third grade teacher of me, I’d be curious to know which (if any)books/movies/songs/artists moved you, inspired you or held a special signifiance at various stages in your life.

elfgirl Says:

I also have been reading, but not commenting much (offline life is kicking my ass at the moment), but I’m looking forward to the results of all these suggestions. :)

I second (third? fourth?) the idea of more foodie posts. Someone with a true love of a topic or an experience talking about their object of passion is always a good read.

On sort of the same note, I’d love to hear more about your designing/creative endeavors. This is a bit selfish on my part because reading about and seeing other people’s art and creative process tends to help kick-start mine and keep my creativity flowing. Plus, it’s something you’ve mentioned on and off that I’ve been curious about.

Joej888 Says:

I just want to know how’s Johnny’s feeling when shooting Link: The Evolution… Because I just saw that one, wow~, it’s sooooo dirty!!!! Oh mine….
Maybe Johnny should have a little talk about the process of the shooting; it’ll be interesting….

astara13 Says:


Do I need to start going through old pictures to see if I have any from when we were kids? Or how about scan some pages from dare I say it…. the yearbooks? I’d pull out my journals and share some of my entries about you… but well I really don’t remember writing anything too interesting.

peters_girl Says:


I have another idea. Since I am from the Northeast (CT) I would like to hear more about P-Town. I was there over 20 years ago for a whale watch. It was the most amazing experience. The whale bumped the boat and was close enough to touch. It was covered with barnacles. I loved the vibe there. I love seaside communities. My grandfather had a cottage on the ocean in RI. I miss it. So where to eat, cool shops, etc. I climbed the tower this May. It kicked my ass but I made it!!!

gcracker Says:

Oooooooooh, I like Rita’s idea. She is such a smarty!

peters_girl — I looooove Rhode Island. It’s my homestate, and I completely agree: I miss it. The ocean there…it’s fantastic. Hearing more about Johnny’s New England experiences would be great!

Tom Says:

BOLT is my favorite of your films. When you were with Shane Rollins, you seemed totally into it. Was this because of the chemistry between you that existed before, or was it something spontaneous that happened on the set?

jemmytee Says:

Johnny, I’d like you to spout off about “Beautiful Thing.” I love that movie. Even bought it on DVD. I can’t believe you reff’d it in you list of 100 things. Most guys I know never even HEARD of it.

Man…you, too, are a beautiful thing.

Jade Says:

This is probably going to seem like some rather odd questions to ask but…

1. What is your favourite holiday? (Be it a national one, a local celebration, or one that just sort of came to you). Everyone has one, and for the people I know I also know the stories and rational behind the reasons.

2. I was a literature major in school with a focus towards children’s lit. So this one is what was/is your favourite children’s story/book. I ask everyone this question when I’m given the chance. (to expand a little – children’s literature, by my definition – are stories meant to be read by kids, or are about children, with main characters being kids… I’m not explain this very well)

Boy Wonder Says:

Jade – Very good questions, indeed! I will make sure Johnny gets these to address in the near future.

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