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Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, October 27th 2006

Quick Fix Music Moment Part 3

Posted by Boy Wonder

Other eighties new wave fans like me will recognize this voice instantly. The song though is relatively new and I don’t think it made much of a splash on the world music scene. Then again, I do kind of live in a bubble. The singer is easy, but what is the group?

4 Comments for this post

Boy Wonder Says:

Well, it isn’t a remix so much as an original production… but I must say that was impressive! So, yes, you win. Even though there’s nothing to win except prestige. Thank you for the links!

jbeast Says:

Oh that just has to be ‘Fat Bob’- Robert Smith. Am I right? Do I win? Can I have a pony?


Boy Wonder Says:

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that bit. Robert Smith of The Cure on vocals. No ponies, I’m afraid.

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