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Johnny Hazzard Blog

Monday, July 3rd 2006

The Weekend Retreat

Posted by Johnny

After work on Saturday, which was one of the slowest nights I have ever seen, Saya, a co-worker and good friend, and I decided that we would love nothing more than to escape Boston for a couple days and head up to New Hampshire. Why you ask? Well, her Mom and Step Dad own a lovely home with east facing windows on a lake that spans a good couple of miles. This is the kind of thing that you see on postcards or on the big screen. Huge green leafy trees intermixed with powerful strong pines that line the lake humming with the sounds of bull frogs and the distant laughter and splashing of children. What we love to do best there is float. They have a couple of full length air inflated rafts that we blow up, throw into the water and do nothing but float around on and talk. This being the first time I had the chance to lay in the sun this season, I got greedy and stayed out a bit too long resulting in a mild case of sun stroke. Not to mention a mild case of sunburn.

I had Saya take a snap shot of me on my lazy raft. I wish she had taken it so you could get a glimpse of the mountains and trees behind me, but just use your imagination.

Floating Johnny

I have to work tomorrow. We are one of the only restaurants open so I think the night should be lucrative. At least that is what I am hoping. Last Saturday felt like a snow day minus the snow. The streets were dead, the sidewalks empty and all of us were sitting around the bar in our uniforms talking about anything just to pass the time. I couldn’t remember a night like that before because I have never worked the Saturday before the 4th before. Realizing that, I know very well that the city has emptied with everybody going to the Cape or staying home and having a cookout. When you expect something it makes much more endurable. I knew it was going to be like that so it didn’t hurt… that bad.

2 Comments for this post

Angel Benton Says:

Sorry to hear about the sunburn babe, that must be painful. A mixture of aloe vera gel and lidocaine will ease your pain considerably. In fact, if you go to your nearest Bath And Body Works, they have a product from their True Blue Spa line called Put It On Ice that is exactly that. Take care!

the frog Says:

What? All it takes to get a semi-naked Johnny floating around is the sound of bull frogs? Hey, I’m a frog, I can bull/shit with the best of them! Come to France, we’ve got frogs, we’ve got bulls, we’ve got Sagats… What more could you ask for?

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