Saturday, June 3rd 2006
This Never Happens
Oh god, I’m bored! Brace yourself for negativity my sweets… this week brought out the worst in me.
I’m never bored. I work, I sleep, I shit, I eat, I work, I take a break and then it starts again. It’s never done, I’m never done and yet here I sit following an entire day with all of my sites down and I’m ready to climb a wall. Absence of activity makes me lazy. There, I’ve admitted it and nothing can be done. Tonight I have to go see my current fuck buddy because he’s moving out of state and just because I’m bitchy is no excuse to write him off. That means hauling my cookies up to the valley for a quick fuck on what I’m sure will be a futon in the middle of an empty room and I don’t even have the option of retrieving some much-needed equipment from a friend close by because it was already lent to someone else (less deserving, might I add).
Now I’m writing lengthy sentences. Lovely. Tomorrow I have the shithole apartment to myself – a perfect opportunity to work on some loud and obnoxious video I have to do and I won’t have the gear I need. This means I’ll be parading around in a taffeda ball gown, drinking mint juleps and whipping the house boy instead of making media progress. Splendid.
This afternoon I was going to go see the X-Men movie, but all of the parking garages were closed. What? This is Culver City people! I could have gone to the drug store since I haven’t shaved in five days for lack of a razor, but no, I came home to sulk at my desk and play Free Cell instead. Shit. I really need a razor. Blond beards are hardly fetching – especially on someone like me that couldn’t grow a beard at gunpoint. I look like a puppy that walked into an air duct fan. If only I could just Photoshop myself, that would be great. Speaking of which, here is a HEAVILY Photoshoped image of me taken by The Cowboy, the aforementioned fuck buddy.

That should make all of the people that write in wondering what I look like (despite the wide selection of photos of me available on this site) happy. And for those of you that really could care less and are currently wondering what the fuck they’re doing here, allow me to provide a very sexy photo of Johnny and Tyler Riggz from last weekend.

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