Thursday, May 25th 2006
Leaving On A Jet Plane
When I travel, the cabbie is always the most influential person of the day for me. If he/she is late, rude, lacks basic knowledge of Boston or worse, is one of those overly aggressive drivers that everyone hates, it could start my day of travel off with a bad flavor. Luckily he was on time, quite accommodating and very friendly. Traveling at 8am provided a landscape of hurried, stressed out motorists fighting to make deadlines and punch clocks.
My cabbie handled it all very well. We talked and joked about how things used to be before the Mass Pike. It would have easily taken us an hour to get to the airport had there been no Pike. It comes down to this: Boston has too many people with too may cars and not enough roadways. Throw some people in there that have never been here before trying to make their way through the perplexing organism that is the Boston road system and what you get is a lot of horns.
We had a great laugh at our mutual fascination with the use of horns here. Bostonians luuuuuuuv a horn. I have lived many places and been a motorist in all of them. Never have I seen anything quite like this aggressive display of frustration. A simple cut off could result in a five minute aural assault lasting at least a mile or so. Jeeeez, I mean come on “what is that getting you?” I used to ask. Some people vent in the weirdest ways.
Sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to Chicago I was going through my camera when I stumbled upon some pics I had taken at my Mom’s house the night we had my friend and cousins over for pizza, catch up and beer. Mara came much to my pleasure. You may remember Mara from her guest entries, my favorite, our hostile take over of the Trout Pond at Sea World.

Mara brought over two of her friends. I had always known these two, but really never felt a connection with them. Most of the other guys got on quite well with them. I never seemed to have anything to say to them. I guess either they have grown up or I have changed because I felt a real interest in them this time around. My cousins Teddy and D, both 20 something, also found Mara’s friends to be most intriguing, thought provoking and positively gorgeous. I begged them all for a photo. It took some coercion, but everyone said yes. I do not think that Mara’s friends are used to so much direct attention via the camera. I think they did great, let’s meet them now:

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