Monday, September 11th 2006
Posted by Johnny
So I’m in New York City on nine eleven and having to deal with that combination didn’t enter my brain when I agreed to be here for Heatherette and Fashion Week. Five years ago, like most Americans, I sat in front of the TV in disbelief and watched as we lost our brothers and sisters in the horrific disasters that made this date infamous. There is nothing I can say here that hasn’t already been said. What I can say is that there is a buzz in the city today and it’s most excellent. You cannot defeat New Yorkers! For the next couple of days Hazzard Ahead will be silent to honor the great losses this country has suffered in the new century; and I mean so much more than the human toll alone.
While we’re away I think everybody should watch the documentary on 9/11, “Loose Change“. When Oliver Stone came out with “World Trade Center” I was a little angry at the idea of Hollywood turning profits over something so horrible that was still fresh in our hearts and minds. Whether you spent $9 to see WTC or not you should take the time to watch “Loose Change” for free. It was the most worthwhile 81 minutes I spent this year.
This is not your X-Files, Matthew Moore style of doco. There are no accusations, no fingers pointed by any of the makers of this film and no false hope of a tidy ending; that’s not its purpose. Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe and Jason Bermas present overwhelming evidence that contradicts just about everything the public has been led to believe about the events of 9/11. Watch the video, keep an open mind and draw your own conclusions.
“The Simple Nature of Truth is that it Wants To Be Known” – Unknown
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Saturday, September 9th 2006
Posted by Boy Wonder
My life is a nightmare. Work has been insane. Everyone is pushed to the limit and tension is running so high we’re all closer to snapping than any of us are willing to admit. That stress has been very detrimental to my sleep, which makes dragging my sorry carcass out of bed each morning that much more difficult. To keep on schedule I slashed all “optional” prep items from my morning routine at home. That meant brushing my teeth at work, letting my hair work it out alone and not shaving at all. I don’t know how Johnny can manage that scruffy look of his. A beard is itchy as all get out and it drove me nuts all week! Being Norwegian I can’t grow a beard for love or money and every few years I go through this process to remind myself of that fact. I took this photo today moments before I hacked at my face with a razor so I could look a little less transient when I go out tonight.

Oh yeah, that. Chi Chi is spinning at Faultline tonight so I’m fairly confident I will get the chance to dance my ass off and some of the stress as well. Faultline is a leather bar in Silver Lake that is always fun because there is no attitude whatsoever. It can be rather scandalous. I’ve seen things there that would make a doctor go pale. It should be a blast. And hopefully I can score an audience with the diva. It’s been too long.
Filed in Boy Wonder, Photos | 15 Comments »
Sunday, September 3rd 2006
Posted by Boy Wonder
For months now Johnny and I have been swooning over the amazing Freemasons remix of Moving Into Light by Black Fras. When Johnny was in town last month we shot some video for a project we’d been developing. During the shoot I put on Moving Into Light to energize our tired asses and it really worked. The funny thing is, I spent some 18 hours working on this the past three days and I like the song even more now! Listen to the lyrics – trust! Check out our second You Tube contribution, a tribute to a wonderful piece of music that has not received the attention it so richly deserves.
Filed in Media, Tunes & Grooves, Watch Johnny | 12 Comments »
Saturday, September 2nd 2006
Posted by Boy Wonder
The time has come – Johnny’s Spellbound video clip is now available for download at the Shop. I was going to try and work out an automatic retrieval system, but have been too busy working on the NEXT dance clip. That’s right, soon we will be You Tubing our asses off again. And this time it’s serious. 
Filed in Pounds, Schillings & Pence | 7 Comments »
Posted by Johnny
Last Wednesday I went out with the guy who I thought I slept with, but hadn’t. I thought we would try a little place called the Butcher Shop. Yes, the butcher Shop; not necessarily the best name for a restaurant, but still quite an experience. A salute to the European boucheries, this place is definitely one to write home about. It had gone up 20 ft from where I used to live 2 months before I left. I was quite disappointed but happy to finally experience this new neighborhood addition.
The name implies just that; a Butcher Shop, complete with gourmet hot dogs, fresh farm-stand eggs, and homemade chutneys. As you walk in the bar is to your right, to your left begins the counter tables. The counters are arranged in a very intimate and almost claustrophobic fashion; they serve as tables for parties of 2 to 6. There is no room for shyness, I bumped the woman next to me several times lightly in the elbow during dinner; par for the course in a joint like this.
At the end of the bar is a massive butcher block that doubles as a holding place for people waiting for tables and as the run off for thirsty locals at the bar. On the very back wall are two larger glass refrigerators holding the dairy, Foie and other tasty treats. The menu was creative and utterly mouth watering. We had 4 dishes, 2 vegetable and 2 meat. Luckily our waiter knew to course it out sparing us the task of finding more room; we could barely keep the B&B at the Pellegrino on the table.
First course was an Heirloom Tomato salad with mozzarella di bufala. I am just as sick of it too, believe me, but if you ever had Heirloom anything – especially tomatoes you would be on it like flies on shit. We ordered Kobe meatballs over bruschetta to enjoy with the tomatoes. For seconds we paired an order of root veggies with a Hangar Steak dressed with mushroom vinaigrette. The veggie arrived to us in parchment paper. I had heard of that technique but had never seen in front of me. It is now on my list of “must try’s.” The steak was superb, although too rare for my date.
I asked the waiter for a recommendation on the wine since they were all new to me. The Coturri Albarello struck my fancy for some reason. When I asked the waiter to describe it he wisely offered me a taste instead. I have a new favorite. It comes from an organic vineyard in southern Sonoma. Organic wines in my experience taste like mud or a compost pile. This was nothing of the sort. The blend is predominantly Zinfandel and Petite Syrah with a small percentage of young Burgundy and Carignane. It was absolutely perfect. The nose is rich and approachable. The Zinfandel gives the wine deep, well-pronounced fruit without being too jammy, the Petite Syrah lends great acidity and the tannins are so integrated that they are fleeting. The finish is something to be savored; lingering on the back palate so long that you don’t want to eat out of fear of spoiling the experience.
For dessert I noticed they carried not one but 3 Banyuls. I LLLUUUHHHUUUVV a Banyuls. It is a fortified Grenache from the Rhone Valley. Usually used as dessert wine, done right it serves as an anytime wine. While I was contemplating my choice in agony, I overlooked the small print stating that they offered all 3 as a flight. Sold. One was a Blanc that was smooth and powerful, like a well done Muscat. Out of the two remaining I opted for the one done the way I know Banyuls; raisin aromas subtle coffee tones with a feel of autumn in every sip. The other one was the runt; a tawny that drank loosely and faded away easily in the shadow of its counterparts. For the actual dessert plate we chose a pumpkin bread pudding, fall is in the air. I must say that was by far one of the most enjoyable well-executed dining experiences this guy has had in a while. Rita, if when you come back YOU HAVE TO TRY IT!!!
Filed in Food & Wine, Photos | 7 Comments »