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Archive for the 'Photos' Category

The 2006 GAYVN Awards

Posted by Boy Wonder on Monday, March 13th, 2006

Alright you bitches, here we go. I know it feels like ages, but as Morrissey said, “These things take time.” Now without further delay, let the photo orgy begin:

Johnny with his first award - Best Solo Scene
Johnny with his first award - Best Solo Scene.
Accepting his second award with Tyler Riggz - Best Sex Scene Duo. Get a load of that smile on Chi Chi! It only gets better
Accepting his second award with Tyler Riggz - Best Sex Scene Duo. Get a load of that smile on Chi Chi! It only gets better.
Chi Chi and Michael Lucas accepting their
Chi Chi and Michael Lucas accepting their “tie” awards for best picture.
Johnny gives a shout out to Gus Mattox as he approaches the podium for his Performer of the Year award
Johnny gives a shout out to Gus Mattox as he approaches the podium for his Performer of the Year award.
Gus Gets The Gold!

If it couldn’t be Johnny, I’m glad it was Gus - he more than deserved that recognition. Luckily Johnny and I ran into him just outside of Rage and were able to tell him in person.

Our fair prince with his GAYVN booty
Our fair prince with his GAYVN booty. He could not stop smiling.


Posted by Boy Wonder on Sunday, March 12th, 2006

In News Weekly

I was so impressed when I saw the title of this article done by I.N. News Weekly. Then I discovered that Johnny was the one who came up with it. That has to be a t-shirt someday! The article is now out and may be read here. Those Boston boys really like our Mr. Hazzard.

I thought I would mention that we should have a guest entry from none other than Ma Hazzard herself in a few days - definitely something to look forward to! I have a feeling she is going to shake things up a bit here at Hazzard Ahead.

A hearty thanks to all of you who have sent your congratulations to Johnny on his awards sweep. He is really beside himself.

Chi Chi, Meet My Mom

Posted by Johnny on Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

Tonight mother returns East. She has always enjoyed meeting the people that are close to me. All through High School she encouraged my friends to come to our house whenever they wanted. How convenient that our outdoor fridge came equipped with a tap of Miller Genuine Draft and a fully-stocked bar downstairs from the days when my parents owned and operated a bar. She loved meeting my friends and why should this visit and time of my life be any different? I had her meet Boy Wonder at one of our favorite little places, Cheebo. I also thought she would enjoy seeing the studio where all the magic happens. The day we visited the studio, I sat my mom in front of the new edition of Unzipped as I went upstairs to see who was there. I immediately saw Chi Chi and Rob Reimer, my publicist viewing the trailer for “GAYVN Performer Of The Year” in her office. “I have a guest here” I said in a non-chalant tone and yelled downstairs “come on up.” “Who is it?” Chi Chi asked. “My mom” I said. She couldn’t have reached for that remote to press stop fast enough. My mother gave her a big hug and as Chi Chi peered over her sholder, she caught my eye and said in a big smile with a very condescending tone “Do you really think it’s OK for her to be here”…”Are you kidding me?” “It’s soooooo fine”. After getting my approval and losing the quite attractive shade of embarrassment Chi Chi had just put on, she said “Great, look at this” With that being said, she pressed play and all 4 of us watched as man after man was introduced as contender for “Performer Of The Year.”

Right before we left, Rob kindly supplied my mom with all of my recent magazines and the “Warning” book put out by Greg Thompson. She took a quick look through the mags and said that she couldn’t wait to show some of her girlfriends back home.

I was so glad that she finally got a face to put to the multitude of descriptions and constant references I put out all the time. Now when I say that I am at the studio or that I’m having lunch with Boy Wonder at Cheebo, she can sit back in her Lazy Boy recliner 3000 miles away and see it just as if she were here.

Johnny with Ma Hazzard

Curse Me By Name

Posted by Boy Wonder on Tuesday, March 7th, 2006

The True Family Sticker

Warning: This has nothing to do with Johnny, so feel free to skip ahead.

This morning I saw one of those annoying family stickers on a giant camper van complete with names. Why you would want to advertise this information I have no idea. I mean, do you want people to curse you by name on the road or what? This particular sticker was special. Instead of the standard doggie or kitty it had a pet chicken named Mimka or something. Fucking hilarious.

Of course, if I was going to get a custom family sticker for my car it would have all of the important information. No sugar-coating for me.


Posted by Boy Wonder on Friday, February 17th, 2006

Drip On Unzipped

The other morning I was late for work, as usual, and grabbed a bottle of water on my way out the door. I drink a lot of water and I drive a long way to work - about 44oz of water each way. Anyway, all of the back and forth of my overland driving somehow caused the bottle of water to leak all over my back seat last night. The Unzipped magazine that was sent in by a fan named Brennan almost a month ago was the primary victim. It had been sitting there for nearly a week. I need an assistant - or a job closer to home - or a home closer to work.

This afternoon Johnny went around Palm Springs trying to locate that issue with no luck. He’s leaving town tonight, which means I will have to order the issue, have it shipped to him in Boston so he can sign it and forward it to Brennan. That magazine is going to have a better three day weekend then I will! (Mostly because I work on Monday)

Johnny in Repose
Dreaming Big
Johnny Reflects
Hazzard Ahead