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Archive for the 'Photos' Category

White Party Part I

Posted by Boy Wonder on Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

Johnny is in stress con delta this week as he tries to tie up the loose ends of his life in Palm Springs. That on top of White Party weekend recovery pretty much leaves the storytelling to me.

While Johnny was settling in with his visitors from Boston, I was battling Friday traffic in a Texas-style downpour trying to get to Palm Springs. Thankfully the rain did not follow me the entire way. Following a delightful and low-key gathering with the fine people of Rascal Video; I skipped the late party for a full night of sleep and awoke to this:

A Clean Start

Whatever doldrums may have survived the onslaught of alchohol were immediately swept away by the breathtaking sight of the San Jacinto mountains. You can see the clouds trapped behind them - rain be damned! It was already like 75° out so I headed over to Johnny’s place to formulate our game plan. It went something like this:

The Best View of the Party

And this:

Hazzard's Perspective

Ben Damon has a boyfriend!

We ran into Ben Damon and his boyfriend who were kind enough to allow us to share their valuable deck space. Finally a confirmation that my best fuck buddy ever might just be off the market indefinitely. Damn!

Fun, sun, fabulous music and hot flesh for as far as the eye could see. Not bad for a Saturday afternoon! That’s all for now, but there’s much more on the way.

I Have No Restraint

Posted by Boy Wonder on Thursday, April 13th, 2006

Johnny on my balcony.

Johnny graces my balcony.

Last weekend Johnny invited me to join him at The Standard downtown for a cocktail gathering with a photographer. That kind of thing is great on the weekend, but on a school night it’s certain disaster for me. I accepted immediately because I have no restraint whatsoever. Luckily, Johnny messed the dates up so we had to cancel and last night we spent watching TV at my place instead. I’ve become spoiled this winter. Lately I’ve been trying to spend enough time with him to get sick of the lad. It just isn’t possible and he’s leaving for the summer next week! Argh! No more pajama parties, no impromptu late night coke-fuelled gang bangs, I’ll have to pick up my own guys instead of using his cast-offs. OK, we don’t do any of that, but I’m going to miss him something awful anyway. Even though we talk on the phone like six times a day it just isn’t the same. *sniff*

Procrastination Is Like Masturbation

Posted by Johnny on Wednesday, April 12th, 2006

Driving to LA today I was informed of an impromptu photo shoot this Friday at the home of my bosses in PS. Isn’t that nice? I figured since Chi Chi, Tyler Riggs and I would be there it might be a good opportunity. As I hung the phone up I was taken back to Sunday evening after my scene with Benjamin Bradley. I was feeling a little rebellious. It was probably because I had to shave clean faced and wear a tie.

Oh, François

I have a tendency after a shoot or scene to stop shaving and wear the same shirt for three days until it crawls off of me. It’s just my reaction to adhering to the rules of the job. Anyhow, I decided that a small alteration to my hair would be satisfying. I had the make up artist shave zig zags in the back of my head. Before the clippers were plugged in he asked “You’re done right? They don’t need you for anything anymore right?” “NAH! I’m done, go ahead, do it.” So we did and they look HOT! I hope that they shoot me from the front on Friday.

A long time ago someone said to me some choice words that I try to abide by in life and don’t always succeed. Procrastination is like Masturbation: Either Way You End Up Fucking Yourself. HOT! Now I tell you this because I am about to race my ass to Coffee Bean and write my article for InNewsWeekly due Sat. I got the assignment in Feb. I have thought about it every day since, but have done nothing further than a couple rough outlines at the gym. Had I listened to that amusing bit of wisdom my drive would have been spent listening to some Rob Zombie. Instead it was spent “practicing” my article. I am now a bit nervous. I am getting better at knowing what I have to do, it’s making the time for it that’s the issue. I remember saying to myself so many times lately, “Oh, that isn’t until then and that won’t be due till then”….well now is then and 1000 words are due by Sat. Seeing that this is the only night I have to myself those creative juices better be flowing by the time I get off the 101.


Posted by Johnny on Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

Has time ever gone by so quickly that you forgot you were part of the universe? After my return from the vacation of lust and cold in SF it was back to real life. Me saying real life is more or less like a game of Candyland. I have the White Party this weekend with two of my friends coming in from Boston. I have a 1 br place and it will be very tight quarters. Mike had a bf at the time these plans were formulated and I learned tonight that they are kaput.

Johnny and Mike the Lumberjack

Unfortunately, so was Mike’s spot in the condo. One of the reasons Mike and I got on so well when we dated was because he was a gypsy much like myself. He traveled lightly and required little more than his van to get by. That’s good because that is where he will spending most of the weekend. That is unless he gets lucky. Looking at this picture my Mom took of us the day we were videotaped (Archive March) Mike will probably end up at the Parker*.

After the White Party it’s off to SF for some R&R before the trek cross country to begin my new chapter in Boston. Feeling my time here in CA come to an end is bittersweet. Moving is stressfull as hell - it has always been for me. I have moved and lived all over the coasts and whether I was packing my back or doing the U Haul truck, it’s always the same gut feeling of tension. I’ve only been home two days and tomorrow I’m returning to LA in the AM to hang with Boy Wonder, crash at his pad and pick up the Boston boys up from LAX at first light. I can hardly wait.

* The Parker is the nicest resort and spa in Palm Springs. Condé Nast Traveller named it the fifth best spa in the world. OK?!

Hello?! I’m Naked Over Here!

Posted by Boy Wonder on Monday, April 10th, 2006

Johnny surprised me when he wrote that he was uneasy with my presence at the photo shoot this weekend. I mean, he is the most comfortable person I have ever known. He’ll blog in the nude in front of a cast of strangers!

Naked Blogging!

I should specify though that I wasn’t hanging out in doorways. I came into the room one time to pass on some information. I’m the one with nudity issues and would frankly rather hang out at the craft services table. Besides, if I don’t have creative input I have no business being on set.

Boy Wonder's Feet

Speaking of nudity issues, later that evening at the hotel, while Johnny was busy catching up on e-mail and whatnot, I shot this photo for fans over at Flip Flop Erotic. Whenever Johnny and I are sharing quarters I make every attempt to be casual about being naked around him. It’s weird, I know, but that’s the person I want to be - the “I look fine naked” guy. Most of my friends would tell you that I’ll rip off my clothes at the drop of a hat and it’s true. Of course, it’s usually at a party somewhere with a great deal of liquor involved. That doesn’t count. Anyway, Johnny was so involved with the lap top that he didn’t even notice me sitting naked on his couch. What dedication!

Johnny in Repose
Dreaming Big
Johnny Reflects
Hazzard Ahead