Has time ever gone by so quickly that you forgot you were part of the universe? After my return from the vacation of lust and cold in SF it was back to real life. Me saying real life is more or less like a game of Candyland. I have the White Party this weekend with two of my friends coming in from Boston. I have a 1 br place and it will be very tight quarters. Mike had a bf at the time these plans were formulated and I learned tonight that they are kaput.

Unfortunately, so was Mike’s spot in the condo. One of the reasons Mike and I got on so well when we dated was because he was a gypsy much like myself. He traveled lightly and required little more than his van to get by. That’s good because that is where he will spending most of the weekend. That is unless he gets lucky. Looking at this picture my Mom took of us the day we were videotaped (Archive March) Mike will probably end up at the Parker*.
After the White Party it’s off to SF for some R&R before the trek cross country to begin my new chapter in Boston. Feeling my time here in CA come to an end is bittersweet. Moving is stressfull as hell - it has always been for me. I have moved and lived all over the coasts and whether I was packing my back or doing the U Haul truck, it’s always the same gut feeling of tension. I’ve only been home two days and tomorrow I’m returning to LA in the AM to hang with Boy Wonder, crash at his pad and pick up the Boston boys up from LAX at first light. I can hardly wait.
* The Parker is the nicest resort and spa in Palm Springs. Condé Nast Traveller named it the fifth best spa in the world. OK?!