Hazzardous Materials Guide

Have An Ice Day

Posted by Johnny

We drove today… and drove and drove all the way to New Mexico. We ate Mexican and stopped for gas along the way. Twice.

We were met this morning with freezing rain and cold weather. In the first 30 mins we saw two very eye opening and sobering reminders that I should take extra care with Milo today. One truck was atop a bridge some 100ft off the ground and had his back driver side tire over the side of the bridge. Somehow he had managed to slide up the side of the road and get his tire to hang over. The thought of what possibly could have happened was absolutely frightening. Farther down the road we saw a small truck that had the driver side of the truck banged, nicked and scratched. The roof of the car had been indented and parts of it were buckled and folded into the cab of the truck. The windows were smashed and it was clear that the truck rolled and came to rest right side up. Luckily the driver was lucid and talking to a couple of people who had stopped to help. I kept well below the speed limit the entire drive. The leaves and branches of trees decorated the sides of the road with sparkles and shimmers from the ice storm a few short hours before.


Alien Ale!

We managed to get into town 30 mins before the restaurant closed so we parked Milo and ran across the street to catch the last seating. Opening the menu I noticed the local brew was Roswell Alien Amber. When in Rome!

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we are spending the day playing in Carlsbad Caverns. I cannot wait, the descriptions sound awesome so it should prove to be a very fun day.

One Response to “Have An Ice Day”

  1. the frog Says:

    Do drive carefully, Johnny. Or trade Milo for a Limo. (Heretic thought, I’m sure, but I can’t resist a bad pun.)

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