Deeper Into You Video

I’ll be very excited to hear about how the debut of the video went over at Gay Porn Blog. As promised to many of you, the video is now posted on You Tube. Or you may enjoy it right here:

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3 Responses to “Deeper Into You Video”

  1. Lost in Tennessee Says:

    Johnny, the video was awesome! Yet, it would have been awesome even if you stood still but your shirtless shenanigans were greatly appreciated. Maybe your video will inspire Brandon Flowers to reveal a little more.

    Jerrod, you also did a fine editing job. It goes without saying but computer nerds also wield serious sex appeal.

  2. Borzene Says:

    KUDOS! Song and video, I love the composition, lyrics, message and the flash of your eyes makes me melt! Who needs Antonio Banderas, you have it all and I hope you find someone special to share it with some day. You are an amazingly gifted man, pursue your passion and keep expressing yourself.

  3. ciacci Says:

    Johnny As much as I think you’re adorable, I can’t say the same for your video… I’m not crazy about the composition (why on a rooftop?)… also you seem stiff, not relaxed… I would have loved to have seen you move like your last video where you dance to Sherrie Lea’s Spellbound, there was a comfort level and sexyness there that I found hard to handle.:)…. You didn’t need to expose your hot little bod… In any case… I still think your sexy, hot and mesmorizing… looking forward to your next big hit!!

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