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Brief Departure From Bliss

Posted by Johnny

I am not an openly political person. I do think the President mirrors the attitude of a 7-year-old most of the time, but other than that I do not pay much attention to things. When I arrived home today I found Sarah reading a long newspaper with a bunch of statistics in various script running up and down the paper. She said that I had to hear this and began to read a couple to me. They were absolutely astounding, even to me. I thought that I would share them with everybody.

I am quoting the “Hightower Lowdown” by Jim Hightower and Phillip Frazer. It is a monthly publication by Public Intelligence Inc. Their website is can be found here.

“During his Gubernatorial Days in Texas, George W. let slip a one-sentence thought that unintentionally gave us a peek into his political soul. In hindsight, it should have been loudly broadcast all across our land so people could’ve absorbed it, contemplated its portent … and soundly rejected the guy’s bid for presidency. On May 21, 1999, reacting to some satirical criticism of him, Bush snapped: “There ought to be limits to freedom.”

Here are some of the quotes and statistics that I found to be amusing and despicable:

  • The annual salary of Stuart Baker, hired by the Bushites to be the White House “Director for Lessons Learned”: $106, 641
  • Number of lessons Bush has seemed to have learned: 0
  • Current Pentagon spending per month in Iraq: $8 billion ($185,185.19 per minute)
  • Amount that Halliburton pays to the Third World Laborers it imports to Iraq to do the work in its dining facilities, laundries etc: $6 per 12 hr day (50 cents an hour)
  • Increase in Halliburton’s profit since Bush-Cheney took office in 2000: 379%

These are some quotes that I feel spell out Bush’s state of mind quite well.

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” George Bush. August 2004

“I’m the commander-see, I don’t need to explain- I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.” George Bush. August 2002

“Since I left Halliburton to become George Bush’s vice-president, I’ve severed all of my ties with the company, gotten rid of all of my financial interest. I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind.”- Former CEO Dick Cheney, Meet the Press, September 2003

Annual payments that Cheney has received from Halliburton since he’s been vice-president:

  • 2001: $205,298
  • 2002: $162,392
  • 2003: $178,437
  • 2004: $194,852
  • 2005: $211,465

When they say, “If you aren’t outraged, you’re not paying close enough attention” I guess they’re right. But this is the kind of stuff to give you an ulcer!

7 Responses to “Brief Departure From Bliss”

  1. Boy Wonder Says:

    I never imagined I would have to create a category for politics. Meanwhile, the love category stands by diligently without being used once.

    Johnny - Don’t get political. It will ruin you. We want our scruffy bon vivant, not a bitter, jaded bleeding-heart liberal!!

    That’s my job.

  2. the frog Says:

    I was tempted to post a crack about Jodie Foster fans and their relevance to the planet, but I don’t want the Feds to get on Johnny and BW’s backs (unless the Feds look like Spencer Quest and Jake Deckard). So I will abstain. But I’m sure you get the general idea.

  3. Lost in Tennessee Says:

    Johnny, I also prefer living my life in a state of blissful political denial. However, as I am edging towards senior citizenship status by MTV standards (age 24) I am feeling a greater need to scratch political itches. The news you provided is the exact reason why we all should remain guarded. Not to mention our status as second-class citizens. In fact, I am beginning to feel more like an illegal alien in my own country. I wish I could pull a Mel Gibson and buy my own 7,000-acre private island in the South Pacific. Do you think President Bush could spare some change?

  4. Rita PHL Says:

    Johnny, you should check out Maureen Dowd’s book “Bushworld.”

    Maureen is a columnist for The New York Times and has covered the White House since the first Bush administration. Her views on Bush 42 will help you relax, because at least you’ll see smart, witty, and influential people are on our side.

    You can also check her out here.

  5. the frog Says:

    “Influential people”? I don’t want to get political [I can hear BW in the distance tearing out his hair: ‘Goddamnit didn’t I tell you, Johnny!!!’] I just find myself wondering more and more how many Watergates it takes for the influential people to start stirring things up. I take it right now they’re on summer holidays, or maybe not that influential.

    (This is not meant to sound like a rant. Just a little croaking from my side of the pond.)

  6. Princess Kirsty Says:

    It shocking what goes on, I’ve got myself a degree in politics and the whole time I was just in shock at what I was learning. There’s so much more going on that we will never find out about - one lecturer told us that for every snippet of information we know and find out about politicians and politics there will be a Bible’s worth that we don’t. That is the shit that scares me.

  7. Angel Benton Says:

    I don’t mind Johnny getting political. One of the reasons I love this blog is the insight it gives into Johnny’s mind. I think as long as it doesn’t turn into wonkette or the huffington post, it should be OK!

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