Hazzardous Materials Guide

It’s Like Going Back To School

Posted by Johnny

I’ve been back in Boston for a week getting myself into the routine at the restaurant. Until recently, having a schedule dictated by someone else was just an unpleasant memory. Now I have to get my little ass to certain places at certain times and it’s taking some adjustment. It hasn’t been easy with the last three weekends, this one included, traveling doing Gay Pride related events. Sarah, my roommate here in Cambridge, and I have a deal worked out where I do the shopping, cooking and yard work. That’s right - chores on top of my porn tours and table service. I am so happy that Frontiers and InNews Weekly have not needed my literary talents lately, because my mind has been at capacity. I still have all my boxes to unpack from when Ma and I arrived here May 17th! I really need my Ab Fab DVDs!!

The best thing about my return to Boston has been the gym. Tuesday marked the first day in a month that I had been. Yes, a month, 30 days! Imagine traveling across the country, spending a week at home, which to me means living on Great Lakes Brewery beer and cheese sticks, then driving to Boston where Mom and I existed hour to hour leaving virtually no time for bench presses. Now, the fun part, spending 5 days in Chicago where I was shirtless and standing next to Tyler Riggz who is 6′1″ and 230 lbs. Hot, but not so hot. For those of you that don’t know, I am only 5′7″ yes, the miracle of the camera angle. I may have shattered some fantasies, but it’s a blog, it’s supposed to be revealing. Standing next to that mountain of a man left Johnny feeling less than secure. You can imagine my delight when the first thing out of peoples’ mouths was “You’re so tiny” or “Oh My God, you’re so much smaller in person” GR88T, nice to meet you, get out of my booth. It’s good to be back at the cable crossovers and the dumb bell racks - it feels like home.

One Response to “It’s Like Going Back To School”

  1. Angel Benton Says:

    Johnny, you’re beautiful just the way you are. Don’t ever let anyone else convince you otherwise. It was a pleasure meeting you in Chicago, and I hope to see you again soon. Maybe if you come out to LA to perform at Chi Chi’s “Dirty Deeds” club, I’ll check it out. Take care and fuck the haters.

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