Wednesday, January 18

posted by Johnny

I didn't really come out of the closet. My mother kicked the door open for me.

At age 17 there was no easy way to get guys. There was no AOL, no Adam4Adam and certainly no Manhunt. If there had been - oooooohhhhh boy! Naturally I found a way. I had to look in the back of College newspapers to find the chat lines. My God, what a mess those were! Imagine, not having the FAINTEST CLUE of what a guy looked like, and being 17! But every so often I got lucky.

I got lucky with Brandon from Berea, Ohio. He was 25, I was 17. He was very straight. Straight Acting, that is. This wasn't his first phone call. Anyway he klept asking if "this was cool" as I was blowing him. Yeah, I serviced him. He had a nice piece, besides when you get a good keep it! I brought him home one day after making sure my mother wasn't going to be up. The constant questioning I submitted to her was her tip off that something was brewing in my little head. As Brandon and I were...well, as I was doing Brandon, Mom knocked. I lept out of bed, threw clothes at Brandon and managed to dress myself all while dodging my mother's request that the door be unlocked. Upon answering the door my Mother peered round my shoulder to ask what was going on. I told her that we were watching TV without thinking about the fact that the TV wasn't even on. I looked at her and she just knew. It was a very painful moment and I ran to a friends house in tears. I mean, right that minute. Brandon was left to fend for himself in my house, whether he left out of the window, had a romp with the neighbor or had enough balls to walk downstairs to the front door I will never know.

After a intervention-like meeting at my friends the next morning my mom said to me, "You are my son, I know you, you are not gay." Alrighty then! Time passed. She obviously got over it. She isn't all P Flag and shit , she's fuckin mint. I love my mom.

posted at 9:44 PM Palm Springs time.

Johnny in Repose
Dreaming Big
Johnny Reflects
Hazzard Ahead
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