Hazzardous Materials Guide

I Have No Restraint

Posted by Boy Wonder

Johnny on my balcony.

Johnny graces my balcony.

Last weekend Johnny invited me to join him at The Standard downtown for a cocktail gathering with a photographer. That kind of thing is great on the weekend, but on a school night it’s certain disaster for me. I accepted immediately because I have no restraint whatsoever. Luckily, Johnny messed the dates up so we had to cancel and last night we spent watching TV at my place instead. I’ve become spoiled this winter. Lately I’ve been trying to spend enough time with him to get sick of the lad. It just isn’t possible and he’s leaving for the summer next week! Argh! No more pajama parties, no impromptu late night coke-fuelled gang bangs, I’ll have to pick up my own guys instead of using his cast-offs. OK, we don’t do any of that, but I’m going to miss him something awful anyway. Even though we talk on the phone like six times a day it just isn’t the same. *sniff*

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Dreaming Big
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