Archive for the 'Porn' Category
Posted by Johnny on Wednesday, April 26th, 2006
Johnny Hazzard is now an exclusive for the largest Gay owned and Gay operated porn company in the world! Hot! Channel 1 Releasing just acquired Rick Ford’s All Worlds making the company the biggest on the planet. I just love saying that. It was quite the story when I found out. I wasn’t really aware of the scale of things until I started talking with my bosses. This is no small shop, this is now an industry leading company. Mr. Ford has given over All Worlds to us not b/c we are the best, but b/c we know how to treat people and we know exactly what we are doing in every sense of the word. You get in what you put out. Those are words to live by. That is proven to me time and time again.
Kevin, Jerry and I visited a local pub to watch American Idol. I had never seen the show before and was curious to see what all the fuss was about. I would have much rather watched Tom & Jerry. I thought the show was boring and ridiculous. Is Kelly Clarkson really the only “idol” they’ve produced? What about the other winners? Kelly deserves every penny and her Grammies, don’t get me wrong, but what happened to the others? They won and that’s that? No videos, no super singles, no appearances at county fairs or guest spots on TRL? Thanks for coming.
Now about the judges. I knew that Simon fellow was a bit obnoxious and I was not surprised there. Paula Abdul needs to relax a bit, or go on hormone treatment. She remained seated and calm until the last contestant, a male, finished his song. Not the best performance or song in my opinion, but Ms. Abdul thought he had sung “The Star Spangled Banner” in Mandarin. She leapt up out her chair and screamed “I Love You” repeatedly and shooshed Simon from saying anything rude or crass. Didn’t she sleep with one of the contestants a couple seasons ago? It seems to me that money could be better spent elsewhere.
Posted by Johnny in Porn, Publicity | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny on Saturday, April 22nd, 2006
My day started at around 2 PM. That’s when I woke up. I walked to the Castro to have my first workout in what seemed like weeks. After 4 days of not working out I become irrational and sort of crazy. I attribute it to lack of dopamine and seratonin. It has been proven that exercising produces these chemicals. I’m sure you’ve heard of runner’s talking about that high they get. That’s pretty much it. I have none left, it’s all spent up from White Party and the stress that followed. It has been a good two weeks since my last workout and I feel really gross. My friend Sarah calls this body dismorphic disorder. That’s pretty accurate if you ask me.
My Mom always said be careful of what you say around who you meet and how you treat people because you never know. I’m glad I listened. I was at the power rack at the gym when this guy caught my eye looking inquisitively with a desire to approach me. I was in mid set so I had an excuse why I didn’t engage. I thought about avoiding eye contact when I was finished so I wouldn’t have to talk. I was in hermit mode today and didn’t feel like being social. But I turned around and made direct eye contact and turned down my iPod to say hello to the chap. It turns out he works very close by Bruno Gmunder in Berlin and was here on business. Bruno Gmunder is one of the largest distributors and producers of Gay Erotic material. They have taken a liking to me over there and have had me on both covers of the picture books they’ve done for Rascal. He personally paid for me and Eddie Stone to tour Europe; taking in 8 cities in 8 days for the tour and promotion of the first book. In his main store in Berlin they have a ceiling composed of glass plates that are pictures of good looking young men. My first city was Berlin.
After wrapping up Köllide and A Night At Bruno’s I went over to the store for the first official day of the tour. Upon my arrival they showed me the newest glass panel to be introduced to the wall of fame. It was a picture of me, the picture was the same one that graced the cover of the book I was touring for. Had I listened to my inner voice and taken the low road it would have turned out to be terrible PR - not to mention plain rude.
Tonight there was a small cocktail gathering at my friend Jerry’s place in Noe Valley. It was a fund raiser for his participation in the AIDS ride coming up. Kevin donated his masseur talents while others donated various goodies to be raffled off. My contribution was a copy of Wrong Side Part 1, a set of 5 autographed pictures and a Johnny Hazzard dildo. Not a bad bag. A friend that I have known for years from Boston was there and his BF had the winning ticket. Only minutes before we had been talking about his perception of me and how it was strange to see me now compared to what he knew in the BJ years (Before Johnny). Well, here’s one more change in your perception buddy - and it’s a big one! Sorry, I couldn’t let that one slip by. Jerry raised three G’s from the event. Not bad!
Posted by Johnny in Behind-The-Scenes, Just Life | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny on Wednesday, April 12th, 2006
Driving to LA today I was informed of an impromptu photo shoot this Friday at the home of my bosses in PS. Isn’t that nice? I figured since Chi Chi, Tyler Riggs and I would be there it might be a good opportunity. As I hung the phone up I was taken back to Sunday evening after my scene with Benjamin Bradley. I was feeling a little rebellious. It was probably because I had to shave clean faced and wear a tie.
I have a tendency after a shoot or scene to stop shaving and wear the same shirt for three days until it crawls off of me. It’s just my reaction to adhering to the rules of the job. Anyhow, I decided that a small alteration to my hair would be satisfying. I had the make up artist shave zig zags in the back of my head. Before the clippers were plugged in he asked “You’re done right? They don’t need you for anything anymore right?” “NAH! I’m done, go ahead, do it.” So we did and they look HOT! I hope that they shoot me from the front on Friday.
A long time ago someone said to me some choice words that I try to abide by in life and don’t always succeed. Procrastination is like Masturbation: Either Way You End Up Fucking Yourself. HOT! Now I tell you this because I am about to race my ass to Coffee Bean and write my article for InNewsWeekly due Sat. I got the assignment in Feb. I have thought about it every day since, but have done nothing further than a couple rough outlines at the gym. Had I listened to that amusing bit of wisdom my drive would have been spent listening to some Rob Zombie. Instead it was spent “practicing” my article. I am now a bit nervous. I am getting better at knowing what I have to do, it’s making the time for it that’s the issue. I remember saying to myself so many times lately, “Oh, that isn’t until then and that won’t be due till then”….well now is then and 1000 words are due by Sat. Seeing that this is the only night I have to myself those creative juices better be flowing by the time I get off the 101.
Posted by Johnny in Behind-The-Scenes, Anthropology, Photos | No Comments »
Posted by Boy Wonder on Monday, April 10th, 2006
Johnny surprised me when he wrote that he was uneasy with my presence at the photo shoot this weekend. I mean, he is the most comfortable person I have ever known. He’ll blog in the nude in front of a cast of strangers!
I should specify though that I wasn’t hanging out in doorways. I came into the room one time to pass on some information. I’m the one with nudity issues and would frankly rather hang out at the craft services table. Besides, if I don’t have creative input I have no business being on set.
Speaking of nudity issues, later that evening at the hotel, while Johnny was busy catching up on e-mail and whatnot, I shot this photo for fans over at Flip Flop Erotic. Whenever Johnny and I are sharing quarters I make every attempt to be casual about being naked around him. It’s weird, I know, but that’s the person I want to be - the “I look fine naked” guy. Most of my friends would tell you that I’ll rip off my clothes at the drop of a hat and it’s true. Of course, it’s usually at a party somewhere with a great deal of liquor involved. That doesn’t count. Anyway, Johnny was so involved with the lap top that he didn’t even notice me sitting naked on his couch. What dedication!
Posted by Boy Wonder in Behind-The-Scenes, Anthropology, Photos | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny on Sunday, April 9th, 2006
Being a Rascal exclusive for 3 years now and doing many, many, many pictures has led to a problem. Greg and I cannot do any more pictures of me in jeans and a wife beater, WE’RE OVER IT. Today we had the oppurtunity to get a little artsy on their ass. I have this awesome Journey shirt circa 1972, it’s so thin that it can barely be breathed on. We used that with some funky red and blue light to make a set that is far from the ole toilet black wall routine. It looked more like a roller rink. It’s so much fun to dress up and pose differently than the usual series of ass out shots, making me look like I am suffering from a severe case of constipation. This is what I enjoy doing. So does Greg. I am looking forward to seeing the results.

This particular shoot had a different component. Boy Wonder. We’ve shared beds, cosmos and he has seen my cock more times than I have. But I must say, it was very strange at first to have him standing in the doorway while I was at full mast stroking the pole. After about 5 minutes I loosened up and relaxed. This is my job for Pete’s sake! Part of why I can do what I do is that I can be naked in every state in front of anybody. Being my biz partner should only serve to make it easier. After about 20 minutes into it I completely forgot to be uneasy.
I met his beau later and we all watched Brokeback Mountain. Good movie, but Crash is still the winner in my opinion. That first sex scene is going to serve as serious masturbation material for a while let me tell you! I must also applaud them on the way they portrayed the affection and kissing between the boys. There was a lot grabbing the back of the neck in that Grandfatherly way that is so strong, secure and reassuring. I am feeling a little warm right now… so… ummmmm… afterwards I visited with photographer extraordinaire, Mr. Thompson. We went to a couple little WeHo bars together. He’s great company, very real and easy to talk with. Spending so much time in this town, I have found good people to be a rare find.
My scene tomorrow is in the valley with Benjamin Bradley, our new exclusive. We haven’t worked together yet and I am looking forward to playing with that butt and getting to know him a little better. I am also being directed by my discoverer and ex-bf, Doug Jefferies. Plus, our usual camera guy, Steven is out of town so we have a sub. The entire crew is new to me. I guess a good actor, or a good porn actor can get it up in front of anybody at any time!!! Snap! Snap!
Posted by Johnny in Behind-The-Scenes, Anthropology, Friends, Photos | No Comments »