This Guy Is A Credible Threat
Posted by Boy Wonder on Tuesday, October 31st, 2006Regular Hazzard Ahead readers know our pal James Collins as the ever-smiling songwriter featured in Unzipped Magazine this month. Well, there’s more to James than seemingly endless positive energy and catchy lyrics. He’s an actor, too! Yes, a sentence like that sends shivers down the spines of Angelinos like me. In James’ case, acting is a sideline and thankfully his work is really stunning.
The night Johnny and I met James we spent hours together laughing and telling tales. It came out that James wanted to post a clip of his acting on You Tube so I naturally offered to help. That very night, armed with a video CD he presented to me, I watched the following clip. Imagine my shock at seeing the fun-loving, ever huggable JC spitting out vicious threats through plate glass!